Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
In June 2019 I was given the diagnosis of stage 1 breast cancer; it was successfully treated with surgery and radiation. This diagnosis came about as a complete shock to me as there is no family history of breast cancer and there were no indicators of it. I wanted to find a way to help and encourage other women who are given this devastating diagnosis. With this in mind, the organization “Be Still and Know Inc.”, based on Psalm 46:10, was born.
THe Story
Psalm 46:10 has special meaning to me. After given the cancer diagnosis and undergoing surgery, I knew that I would need radiation, but for a few weeks after surgery I was unsure whether I would need chemotherapy. As I was relaxing one Sunday afternoon on the back deck of my house, a house finch, while sitting on the deck railing, looked directly at me and sang. The instant the bird flew away I heard a still, small voice saying, “Be still and know that I am God.” I knew that no matter what happened God was in control and was taking care of me. I started Be Still and Know as a Christian based non-profit. We want to be a light in the dark for others and show that God is with you. We curated these bags with items that helped bring me peace during my battle with cancer and we hope it can bring others peace as well.
THe Logo
THE ARC represents a sunrise and new beginnings. It also represents God’s overarching love, grace, and mercy. It is His umbrella of protection, which covers all His children.
THE LEAVES signify new or renewed life in the treatment of cancer. They are also an acknowledgement of the triune God who walks alongside and ultimately carries you through your cancer experience.
LAVENDER is the color for Be Still And Know, as lavender represents awareness of all cancers.

WHat's In The Bag

The Encouragement Bag for Women:
The book, “50 Days of Hope” by Lynn Eib, herself a cancer survivor – I found it brought inspiration and encouragement to me.
A bracelet with either a Bible verse or inspirational saying on it – It is a reminder to the women receiving a package that they are not alone.
A tube of moisturizing cream – It helped me tremendously with skin irritation caused by radiation. If no radiation is needed by the cancer patient, it is great for dry skin overall.
A bottle of lavender linen spray – It is to help calm the cancer patient when her thoughts and medication make sleep difficult.
The Encouragement Bag for Men:
The book “50 Days of Hope” by Lynn Eib, a cancer survivor—It brings encouragement and inspiration.
A water bottle with a Bible verse on it—It is a reminder to the recipient that he is not alone and encourages him to drink plenty of fluids while receiving treatment.
A tube of moisturizing lip balm for chapped lips caused by treatments.
A fidget spinner, adult coloring book, and pack of colored pencils—It is to keep idle hands busy and the mind occupied while at appointments.
The Encouragement Bag for Caregivers:
A journal/logbook with a Bible verse on it—It is to help keep track of appointments, medications, etc., and is a reminder to the recipient that he/she is not alone.
A tube of lotion—It is to help moisturize hands due to frequent washings.
A notebook and pen—It is to jot down tasks that need doing or errands that need running.
A fidget spinner, adult coloring book, and pack of colored pencils—It is to keep idle hands busy and the mind occupied while at appointments.
The Hospice Bag:
Bottle of lavender linen spray – It is to help calm the patient when thoughts and medication make sleep difficult.
Water bottle – It is a reminder that the patient is not alone.
Tube of moisturizing lip balm – It helped me tremendously with dry lips.
Small notebook and pen -- for the patient or their family to write things down that need to be done.
Mints – These are to help with the taste that may linger in the patient's mouth when drinking and eating are difficult.